Modern discourses on Sufism


 Modern discourses on Sufism (സൂഫിസം ആധുനിക വ്യവഹാരങ്ങളിൽ) provide a thorough and introductory understanding of Sufism and its related fields, such as metaphysics, epistemology, cosmology, aesthetics, ethics, psychology, etc. This reference book was written by Dr. Munawar Hanih T T and published by Book Plus in 2023. The scholarly community frequently ignores or misunderstands the mystical tradition of Sufism. This book is a modest attempt on the part of the author to provide a succinct overview and guidance to scholars and students who wish to learn more about Sufism from reliable sources in an academic setting.
    A large portion of this material was compiled by the author using classical Islamic texts connected to Sufism or Tasawwuf. This book makes the claim that Sufism emerged within Islam and is not outside nor distinct from the Islamic faith. In the foreword to this excellent book, renowned Keralite Sufi writer and scholar C. Hamza writes, "This book has included new topics such as Sufi aesthetics which are not widely discussed along the Sufi disciplines." For those who are interested in learning more about the history and philosophy of Sufism, this reference book will undoubtedly be helpful.

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